Groom Wedding Speech

A groom refers to the newlywed husband. The groom is the center stage of the wedding celebration and his speech usually cements the whole celebration altogether. Many guests at the wedding are always eager to hear what the groom has to say because most of the time it’s usually emotional.


Importance’s of the grooms wedding speech

The man of the hour wedding speech is important because;

  • The groom gets a chance to thank the guests who have attended his wedding.
  • The groom has a chance to appreciate the bride’s family for welcoming him into their family.
  • The groom gets the time to appreciate his wedding entourage i.e. the bridesmaid, the groomsmen, the maid of honor, and the best man.
  • The groom gets a chance to appreciate the gifts.
  • He shares with the guests how much he loves his wife.
  • He gets a chance to share with his guest a brief story on how he met with his wife.
  • The wedding speech shows his personality.
  • He gets the chance to appreciate everyone who has made the wedding day a success i.e. the caterers, the florist, the wedding planner.

Who should the grooms speech focus on?

The following are the people who the groom should focus on when giving his speech during his wedding

  1. The bride.
  2. The bride’s family.
  3. His family.
  4. The best man.
  5. The maid of honor.
  6. The bridesmaid.
  7. The groom’s men.
  8. The guest.


In the groom’s wedding speech the bride should supersede everyone else because without her presence they would be no wedding. He can talk about how lucky he is that she accepted his proposal to become his wife. He can mention how they met to give the guest an insight into their life.


Next on his list should be the bride’s family. In his speech, he gets to thank them particularly for accepting him into their family.


Most grooms end up forgetting to appreciate their own family which is not supposed to be the case. His family usually gives him financial and emotional support to make the whole wedding a success; he needs to remember them in his wedding speech.


The best man is the groom’s, right-hand man. He is his go-to person as far as the wedding is concerned. Most of the time he is usually his best friend therefore he will be a point of focus in his speech. The groom’s wedding speech is aimed at appreciating their selflessness and their patience emotional and any other support.


The groom should also include the maid of honor in his wedding speech after all she is the go-to person for the bride. She keeps the bride in line and she is a pillar to the bride hence he should take this opportunity to appreciate her in his wedding speech.


The groom’s wedding speech should include the bride’s maid. He can complete them on how beautiful they look and generally for making their wedding to be successful.


The groom’s wedding speech should include his groom’s men. He should appreciate them for their continued support.


The groom’s wedding speech should include the guest. He gets to appreciate their presence and also for the gifts they have bought forth.

How long should the grooms wedding speech last?

All the speeches in a wedding ceremony should not be more than thirty minutes. Having that in mind the grooms should aim at using at most ten minutes to give other people who need to give speeches a chance to speak. He should not over dominate the time as much as he is the man of the hour.

His speech should be short but not so short to be memorable. The ten minutes are enough for both a fast speaker and a slow speaker.

Is it ok to read the speech from notes?

A wedding speech from the groom is seen as a personal thing him giving a piece of himself to the guest, reading from notes makes the guest doubt your emotional connection to the whole thing. Referring to your notes hinders eye contact with the audience; the notes can be mixed up making you anxious you can mix up yourself in the delivery. Chances are you will misplace the notes because of the hectic nature of the whole celebration. So it’s not a good idea to read from notes.

Have the best man come up with a way of reminding you of the key areas in your speech without making it too obvious for everyone.

Learn the best way to give the best groom speech ever...Click here!


-Be informal in your speech to make the guest feel at ease and enjoy the celebration during your wedding.

-Have a powerful punch at the beginning of your speech, mostly a very intriguing funny story.

-Use romantic language in your speech but not too much because it will make the speech look cheap.

-Do not give too much information in your wedding speech. Something’s should be left for imagination

-Use a suitable quote in your wedding speech. One is enough it will make your speech memorable

-You can connect more with your guest by sharing an incident in your life most of them can relate to.

-Much focus should be given to your wife and be using the word wife when referring to her in the wedding speech.

-Humor is an integral part of your speech. Use it sparingly.

The groom’s wedding speech is a rare chance that someone will have in his life when he is in the center stage and has the opportunity to talk about his beloved wife in the presence of his friends and family.

Would you also like to pick up a few techniques and guidelines on how to compose groom speeches, which kind of body language to display, how to modulate your voice or which types of facial expressions to use and learn the methods to remain cool, composed and calm on your D Day?

You have landed on the right page. Visit to find 25 professionally written and outstanding groom speeches that you can use either as models or as inspirations. Or you may make necessary modifications to these sample wedding speeches and use them as your own. The website also offers lots of exclusive wedding toasts, quotations, hilarious one-liners, tips on confident public speaking and plenty of other relevant material.